
News Stories

Safety Awareness Week – Monday, October 18 to Friday, October 22

Good afternoon Parents/Guardians,

The week of October 18 to October 22 has been designated as “Safety Awareness Week” in all of our schools. This year, the procedures for conducting emergency and crisis response drills (lockdown, hold and secure, fire evacuations, etc.) must be undertaken in compliance with the Ministry of Education and public health measures related to ... Continue reading "Safety Awareness Week – Monday, October 18 to Friday, October 22"

Terry Fox Walk 2021

Once again, St. Marguerite d’Youville is pleased to be hosting its “Terry Fox Walk” on Tuesday, September 28, 2021. We at St. Marguerite d’Youville continue to have two very important goals for our walk; to have all of our students be able to articulate why Terry has become such a historic figure within our Canadian history and to ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Walk 2021"

Catholic School Council 2021-2022

As a parent/guardian of a child at this school, you are eligible to self-nominate or nominate another parent/guardian of a child at this school to be a voting member of Catholic School Council. Here are some key dates and timelines:

Part A: Nomination Process

Virtual Curriculum Night – Thursday, September 23

Curriculum Night provides parents/guardians with the opportunity to meet their child’s classroom teacher and learn about their child’s academic school year. This year, Curriculum Night will be held on Thursday, September 23 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. virtually, via Google Meet. There are two exceptions:

1) Ms. Lisi (Physical Education Teacher) – Tuesday, September 21 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. ... Continue reading "Virtual Curriculum Night – Thursday, September 23"