School Picture Day – Thursday, October 28

We are excited to announce that School Picture Day will take place on Thursday, October 28 at St. Marguerite d’Youville. The photos will be individual photos only; class photos will not be takenGrade 8 Grad Photos will take place Wednesday, January 19.

We will be following strict protocols, which include:

1) Photographers must complete and pass York Region Public Health Self-Screening each day they are in the school and follow the Board’s vaccination attestation process for visitors.

2) Photographers must wear medical masks and follow all essential visitor protocols at the school (i.e. sign in, hand hygiene, etc.).

3) Markers will be placed on the floor in the gym and/or in the hallway/wait area indicating two meters distancing.

4) One class cohort will come to the photo location at a time. Students will social distance and keep their masks on. Students take turns going in front of the camera, one at a time, and will maintain physical distancing.

5) When one student is done, they proceed to the wait area and the next student takes their turn.

6) All students, staff and the photographer(s) are to be masked at all times.

7) Two metre distances are to be maintained by everyone at all times. The photographer will refrain from coming closer than two metres to the students to make any adjustments to clothes or pose.

8) No chairs; photos are to be taken standing up.

9) Students may remove their mask at the moment the photo is taken and then put it back on. The same photography company employee(s) are to go to the same school until the photos are all taken.

10) Photography equipment is not to be touched by anyone other than their own employees. All student touch points are to be wiped down at least twice a day; entrance doors will be kept open so that multiple hands do not touch them.

11) Photography for Remote Students: More information to follow.