
News Stories

New Year’s Liturgy Jan 16 at 1:15 pm

Our January Liturgy to celebrate the New Year is on January 16, however the time has changed from 10:45 am to 1:15 pm.  We thank Ms. Diodati’s grade 4’s who are leading us in this prayer celebration. We hope our parents can join us to start the new year together.


Reading with Santa Night, Dec. 7 at 6:30 pm

We are looking forward to our annual Reading with Santa Night on Dec. 7 at 6:30 pm for our K-3 students accompanied by their parents/guardians. We will start the evening with children rotating through four  stations with readers reading Christmas stories.  We are anticipating Santa arriving around 7:10 pm at which time Santa will read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas for all the children.  Refreshments ... Continue reading "Reading with Santa Night, Dec. 7 at 6:30 pm"

Advent Mass on Dec. 7 at 1:15 pm

Our Advent Mass is on December 7 at 1:15 pm.  We thank Fr. Peter for leading us in prayer and we thank the grade 4/5’s and 5’s for organizing the Mass for the school, as well as the liturgical committee, choir, and tech crew.  Parents and Guardians are very welcome to join us.