
News Stories

End of Year Mass June 20 at 10:45 am

Our last Mass for the school year is on June 20 at 10:45 a.m. in the school gym.  We thank Fr. Peter for his spiritual guidance this year. We hope parents will join us in this Mass led by our graduating grade 8’s.


Thank You to Our Volunteers & CSC

We will be having our Volunteer Tea and our last Catholic School Council meeting for the year on June 5, 2019 at 6:30 pm and 7:15 respectively.  We thank our Catholic School Council members and volunteers for all your hard work this year.  Your enthusiasm and dedication to SMD are a reflection of our partnership between home and school .  You are an inspiration to ... Continue reading "Thank You to Our Volunteers & CSC"

Catholic Education Week May 6-10

Our school, along with all Catholic schools in Ontario, is celebrating Catholic Education Week from May 6-10. We kicked off the week with a school assembly and liturgy on May 6.  We thank our grade 2 and 3 French Immersion classes for leading us in prayer and song during the liturgy.  We thank the Dance Troupe for performing the dance from their April competition.  We ... Continue reading "Catholic Education Week May 6-10"

Living Rosary on May 2nd

With the help and guidance of our Rosary Apostolate, our school celebrated the month of May with a Living Rosary on May 2nd.  The Kindergarten to grade 3 classes prayed  a decade of the rosary and put on a little skit.  The grade 4 to 8’s prayed the whole rosary and watched a religious video.  We thank our Rosary Apostolate for leading our classes every ... Continue reading "Living Rosary on May 2nd"

Passion Play April 18 at 1:15 pm

The grade 6’s are organizing a Passion Play for our school on Holy Thursday, April 18 at 1:15 p.m.  Please note this is a revised time.  It is a moving presentation of the Passion of our Lord for our students and staff and any parents who can attend. We thank Ms. Lowe-Ching, Ms. Martire and Ms. Principe for directing the students in this very important ... Continue reading "Passion Play April 18 at 1:15 pm"