The 2020 Christmas season is quickly approaching and St. Marguerite d’Youville will once again be supporting the Holiday Heroes Campaign. We are asking families, if possible, to donate a new, unwrapped toy for children of all ages. We have a toy bin in the front foyer that will be used. Every few days, and in accordance with COVID protocols, the office staff ... Continue reading ""
News Stories
St. Theresa of Lisieux Parent Information Night
St. Theresa of Lisieux will be hosting their first ever Grade 8 Open House virtually this year on Wednesday, November 18 at 7:00 p.m.
Please visit the STL website ( at 7:00 p.m. on November 18 for the link.
2020-2021 Catholic School Council
Thank-you to all our Parents/Guardians who submitted their ballots to be on this year’s Catholic School Council. As per our Constitution, St. Marguerite d’Youville’s Catholic School Council is comprised of 14 parent voting members, including our executive. Our council voting members are: Rosemarie Augello, Leila Bahrambahri, Anthony Baldassini, Raquel Batres, Elaine Chichioco, Luisa DiLoreto, Rachel Fernandes, Angela Gayed, Lisa Giordano, Brigitte Hammond, Debbie Reda, Michelle ... Continue reading "2020-2021 Catholic School Council"
Catholic School Council 2020-2021
As a parent/guardian of a child at this school, you are eligible to self-nominate or nominate another parent/guardian of a child at this school to be a voting member of Catholic School Council. Here are some key dates and timelines:
Part A: Nomination Process
Wednesday, September 30 – Google Form Nomination Process Begins.
- ... Continue reading "Catholic School Council 2020-2021"
Terry Fox Walk
Terry Fox is a Canadian icon and hero. He is an inspiration to many people because of his example of perseverance, strength and courage. Terry Fox ran 3,000 miles on one leg to raise awareness and funds for cancer research. As is tradition, the staff and students of St. Marguerite d’Youville will walk in memory of Terry Fox, weather permitting, on Tuesday, September 29 (the ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Walk"
St. Marguerite d’Youville Re-Entry Plan and Important Information
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please find attached:
1) SMD September Re-Entry Plan Details and Important Information –
Re-Entry Plan for Students – St. Marguerite d’Youville.pdf
2) List of Recommended School Supplies:
Intermediate Supply ... Continue reading "St. Marguerite d’Youville Re-Entry Plan and Important Information"