Category: General

Advent Mass on Dec. 7 at 1:15 pm

Our Advent Mass is on December 7 at 1:15 pm.  We thank Fr. Peter for leading us in prayer and we thank the grade 4/5’s and 5’s for organizing the Mass for the school, as well as the liturgical committee, choir, and tech crew.  Parents and Guardians are very welcome to join us.

Thank you for donations to One for Haiti

Thank you to all our students, parents and staff who donated to the One for Haiti Food Drive.  We also thank Mrs. DiLoreto, Mrs. Anastasiou, and Mrs. Caporiccio for delivering the numerous boxes of food to the Holy Family gym; next stop Haiti.  This is a picture of the stacked boxes of food in the gym. It’s a beautiful thing to see how York Catholic ... Continue reading "Thank you for donations to One for Haiti"

Loonie/Toonie Day Nov. 15, 2017

On November 15, we are having a Humanitarian Relief Loonie/Toonie Day to help those affected by the recent hurricanes in the Caribbean and Mexico.  We hope our staff and students will donate for this worthy cause.