Category: General

Drumfit on Feb. 1st

Our students had a fun time on February 1st with DrumFit; and the best part is that we get to keep the balls and drumsticks for a few weeks.  Teachers and students are taking advantage of the resources and accompanying videos during gym classes.

New School Song

We have a new school song after Julie K visited our school on February 5th.  Approximately six students from each class composed the song with Julie K and then they recorded it that afternoon. In a few weeks, a CD and digital version will be available to us so we can all learn the song.

“Carnaval” Feb. 5-9

We had a great Carnival week! We had theme days such as wacky hair/hat day, red & white day, jersey day, pyjama day, etc. and we had sculpture and door decorating contests.  The Play Day on Thursday, was such fun for the K-3 classes with the gr. 7 & 8 leaders.  Thank you to Mme. Cozza, Mme. De Rose and Ms. Rinella for organizing Carnival ... Continue reading "“Carnaval” Feb. 5-9"

New Year’s Liturgy Jan 16 at 1:15 pm

Our January Liturgy to celebrate the New Year is on January 16, however the time has changed from 10:45 am to 1:15 pm.  We thank Ms. Diodati’s grade 4’s who are leading us in this prayer celebration. We hope our parents can join us to start the new year together.


Reading with Santa Night, Dec. 7 at 6:30 pm

We are looking forward to our annual Reading with Santa Night on Dec. 7 at 6:30 pm for our K-3 students accompanied by their parents/guardians. We will start the evening with children rotating through four  stations with readers reading Christmas stories.  We are anticipating Santa arriving around 7:10 pm at which time Santa will read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas for all the children.  Refreshments ... Continue reading "Reading with Santa Night, Dec. 7 at 6:30 pm"