Our school will be delivering Progress Reports (Grades 1 to 8) and Communication of Learning (Initial Observations—FDK) electronically on Tuesday, November 15 (after 4:00 p.m.) via the Parent Portal. To access this portal, please click on the “Parents” link in the top banner of the school website. From the Parents page, you will find a link to “Maplewood Parent Portal ConnectEd” on the right hand side. For detailed instructions on registering, using the portal, and to seek support, please click on the link: Parent Portal Instructions and Communications. Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday, November 17 (evening) and on Friday, November 18 (morning). Please also note that Friday, November 18 is a P.A. Day for all students. Parent-Teacher interviews are 10 minutes. Your scheduled interview time will be sent home by your child’s teacher.
Progress Reports – Tuesday, November 15 at 4:00 p.m. via Parent Portal